Hair Replacement Systems

Does a Hair System Damage the Hair Underneath/Scalp?

crown area hair systems for men

So, you’ve started losing your hair and you’re worried about going bald. It’s a common concern, but the good news is there are options like hair systems that can help. A hair system, also known as a toupee or hairpiece, is designed to blend in with your natural hair to create the appearance of a full head of hair. But before you run out and get one, you probably have some questions, like will wearing a hair system damage your natural hair or scalp? It’s a fair concern, as some systems require glue or tape to adhere them and you want to make sure that doesn’t hurt your hair or skin. The truth is, while any product could potentially cause irritation, most people are able to wear hair systems without issues if they choose a high-quality system and care for it properly. Here are some tips to keep in mind to ensure your hair system doesn’t cause damage.

Table of Contents
How Do Hair Systems Work?
Impact of Hair Systems on Natural Hair
Types of Hair Systems: The Pros
Hair Types in Hair Replacement Systems
How to Properly Care for Your Hair and Scalp Underneath a Hair System
Common Questions About Hair System

How Do Hair Systems Work? An Overview of Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

So how do hair systems work exactly? Basically, a hair system is a thin base material, usually made of polyurethane or lace, with human hair strands attached to it. The base is then adhered to your scalp using special tape or glue. The hair strands attached to the base blend in with your existing hair to create a natural looking hairline and provide coverage where needed.

When properly applied and maintained, a hair system should not cause any damage to your natural hair or scalp. The materials used are designed to be lightweight, breathable and hypoallergenic. However, it’s important to follow the recommendations from your stylist for optimal results and to avoid irritation. They will advise you on proper cleaning, conditioning and reapplication of the system based on your hair type and lifestyle.

With regular maintenance, non-surgical hair systems provide a safe and effective cosmetic solution for hair loss that allows your natural hair and scalp to remain undamaged. The key is to choose a high-quality system from a reputable company, like American Hairline, that uses only the finest human hair and advanced base materials. Their hair systems are nearly undetectable and custom designed to seamlessly integrate with your natural hair.

So, if you’re concerned about hair system damage, don’t be. When properly fitted and cared for, these advanced hair solutions can help you regain confidence in your appearance without harming what’s underneath. The minimal impact on your natural hair means you have little to lose and lots of great hair days ahead!

Do Hair Systems Cause Damage to Natural Hair?

The good news is, hair systems are designed to be gentle on your natural hair and scalp. However, some damage is possible if not used properly. Here are the facts:

  • Hair systems are made of lightweight, breathable materials like lace and polyurethane that allow air flow to your scalp. As long as you give your scalp a break from the system as directed, it should not cause damage.
  • The medical-grade tapes and adhesives used to secure hair systems are hypoallergenic and meant to be non-irritating. However, if you have sensitive skin, do a patch test first. Remove the system as soon as directed to avoid irritation.
  • Shampooing and cleaning your scalp under the system is important. Buildup of dirt, oil and dead skin cells can lead to inflammation and damage. Be sure to cleanse your scalp at least once a week or as directed.
  • Hair systems should be professionally fitted to your unique head shape and size. An ill-fitting system that is too tight can cause hair loss and scalp damage over time due to cutting off circulation. Have adjustments made if needed.
  • Give your natural hair and scalp a break from the system when possible. While a high-quality system is designed to be worn comfortably for extended periods, removing it when you can will reduce the risk of damage.

By following the recommendations for proper use and care, a hair system is unlikely to cause significant or permanent damage to your natural hair or scalp. However, if you do experience irritation or hair loss, consult your hair replacement specialist. The health of your natural hair should be the top priority.

Types of Hair Systems: The Pros

The most common types of hair systems are lace hair systems and skin hair systems. Both have their pros and cons, so choosing the right one for you depends on your needs and preferences.

Lace hair systems are made of a fine, mesh-like lace material that is nearly invisible when applied. The lace is custom cut and fitted to your scalp, with the hair strands individually tied to the lace. This creates a very natural looking hairline. However, lace systems typically require more frequent maintenance since the lace can be more delicate. They may need re-taping or re-gluing every 4 to 6 weeks.

Skin hair systems have a polyurethane or silicone base that sticks directly to your scalp. The hair is pre-attached to the base so no tying is required. Skin systems tend to be more durable and longer-lasting. Many can stay in place securely for 6 to 12 weeks before needing to be reapplied. The downside is that the base material may be visible along the hairline or part. Newer “thin skin” options aim to remedy this by using a base that is as thin and translucent as possible.

In the end, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each type of hair system to determine what will work best based on your lifestyle and how often you want to visit your stylist for maintenance. Lace systems in India may require more upkeep but provide the most natural results. Skin systems typically last longer but may show more visibility. Discussing the options with an experienced hair system stylist can help guide you to the right choice. The most important thing is finding a solution that will make you feel comfortable and confident again.

The Types of Hair Used in Hair Replacement Systems

The most common types of hair used in hair replacement systems are human hair, synthetic hair, and a blend of human and synthetic hair.

Human Hair

Human hair provides the most natural look and feel. It can be styled and treated just like your own hair. However, human hair tends to be more expensive and requires more maintenance. It needs to be shampooed, conditioned, and styled regularly. Human hair also tends to matte over time, so replacement may be needed within 1-2 years.

Synthetic Hair

Synthetic hair is made of fibers like modacrylic, polypropylene or polyester. It holds styles well but looks obviously unnatural. It’s cheaper than human hair but not very versatile. Synthetic hair cannot be restyled or dyed. It lasts longer, around 6-12 months, but the quality and appearance may deteriorate over time.

Blended Hair

A blend of human and synthetic hair aims to provide the benefits of both. It has a natural look and feel but requires less maintenance. It can be re-styled to an extent and dyed to match your natural hair color. Blended hair tends to last around 4-8 months before needing replacement.

For most men looking for a natural yet low-maintenance solution, blended or human hair are good options. In the end, the type of hair you choose comes down to your budget, needs, and personal preference. With proper care and maintenance, hair replacement systems using any of these hair types should not cause damage to your natural hair or scalp. The system is designed to protect your hair while providing full coverage and an undetectable hairline.

How to Properly Care for Your Hair and Scalp Underneath a Hair System

To properly care for your scalp under a hair system, follow these key tips:

  • Cleanse regularly. Wash your scalp at least 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo to remove oil, dirt and dead skin buildup. Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp with your fingertips to loosen any debris without irritating the skin. Rinse well with water.
  • Exfoliate occasionally. Use a scalp exfoliant 1-2 times a week to remove dead skin cells. Gently rub the exfoliant into your scalp and rinse well. This will keep your scalp fresh and prevent irritation under the base of the hair system.
  • Moisturize as needed. If your scalp feels dry or itchy, apply a small amount of moisturizer to the affected areas. Look for a lightweight, non-greasy formula that won’t make your hair system slip or matte the hair. Moisturizing will soothe your scalp and promote healthy skin.
  • Check for any irritation. Regularly inspect your scalp for signs of redness, inflammation, bumps or sores. See a dermatologist if you notice any severe or persistent irritation. They can determine the cause of the irritation and provide medication to clear it up if needed.
  • Limit sun exposure. Too much sun can burn and age your scalp, especially if there are any areas where the base of the hair system does not provide coverage. Wear a hat or use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on your scalp when outside.
  • Give your scalp a break. Remove your hair system for at least one day each week to give your scalp time to breathe. This rest period will rejuvenate your scalp and hair follicles to keep them healthy in the long run. You can also do scalp masks, scrubs or moisturizing treatments during this time.
  • See a dermatologist regularly. Visit a dermatologist at least once a year for a scalp check, even if you do not notice any issues. They can spot any potential problems early on and provide guidance to keep your scalp healthy under a hair system long-term.

FAQ: Common Questions About Hair Systems and Scalp Health

Many men who get hair systems worry that it may damage their natural hair or scalp over time. It’s a valid concern, but the truth is hair systems are very safe if properly cared for. Here are some common questions and answers about hair systems and scalp health:

Do hair systems cause balding or hair loss?

No, wearing a hair system will not cause balding or accelerate hair loss. Hair loss is caused by genetics and male pattern baldness, not by anything you do or apply to your hair. Hair systems are non-invasive and simply sit on top of your existing hair. They do not damage hair follicles or impact the hair growth cycle.

Does the bonding process damage hair?

The bonding process, where the hair system is adhered to your natural hair using adhesive tapes and glues, does not typically cause damage when done properly by a skilled stylist. However, removing a hair system without properly dissolving the bonds can potentially pull-out natural hairs. It’s best to have your hair system applied and removed by a trained professional to avoid damage. They use solvents to gently loosen the bonds before removal.

Will my scalp get irritated from wearing a hair system?

Some minor scalp irritation can occur, especially when you first start wearing a hair system as your scalp adjusts. Using high-quality, breathable base materials and adhesives specifically designed for hair systems can help prevent irritation. It’s also a good idea to give your scalp a break from the hair system when possible, allowing the skin to breathe. Practicing good hygiene like regular shampooing and cleaning the hair system base also helps avoid irritation and inflammation.

With the proper precautions taken, hair systems are very safe and will not cause damage to your natural hair or scalp. However, any concerns about excessive irritation or hair loss should be addressed with your stylist or dermatologist. They can determine if it’s normal adjustment or if any changes need to be made to your hair system regimen or bonding process.


So, there you have it, guys. While a hair system isn’t going to magically regrow your natural hair or undo any hair loss that has already occurred, when used properly and cared for consistently, it is unlikely to cause any permanent damage or long-term negative impacts to your existing hair or scalp. The key is finding a high-quality system, wearing it as directed, and maintaining good hygiene and regular cleaning. If you do experience any irritation or other issues, be sure to consult your dermatologist. But for most men, a hair system can be a safe and effective cosmetic solution for concealing hair loss and recapturing a youthful hairline without worrying about permanent side effects. At the end of the day, you have to weigh the pros and cons for your unique situation. But rest assured, hair systems themselves do not inherently damage the hair or scalp.

If you are confused and need to know about which would be the right one, you can probably call us on +919222666111 or WhatsApp us.

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